Snowy Owls and Lemmings
So far this breeding season, ORI researchers report fairly strong Snowy Owl nesting numbers from our study area near Utqiagvik, Alaska....

First Snowy Owl Hatch of the Season Discovered
Deep snow, cold, and then runoff saw the Snowy Owl season off to a challenging start, but the tundra continually becomes more and more...

Snowy Owl Nesting on the Arctic Tundra
Following is a FB post from Melissa Groo, a wildlife photographer who has been working with Denver Holt in Alaska. Melissa is on...

Visions from the Arctic - Snowy Owl nests
Researcher Matt Larson took these photos on the week of June 27th in the Alaskan Arctic. He has located several nests in our study area...

Snowy Owl Nesting Season Underway
Each year, the start of the Snowy Owl breeding season triggers a migration for the Owl Research Institute. Like clockwork, lead...

ORI National Geographic Article turns 15!
It was exactly 15 years ago that National Geographic featured the Owl Research Institute's work with Snowy Owls as their cover story, The...

First Snowy Owl Sighting of the year in the Mission Valley
The Snowy Owls are here! Well, at least one Snowy Owl is here! The Owl Research Institute received report of a Snowy Owl spotted in...

Climate Change Grant Awarded to the Owl Research Institute
The Owl Research Institute is honored to receive a grant award from the prestigious Charlotte Martin Foundation to begin a new project,...

The Snowy Owl Project - Barrow, Alaska
We've had several, recent inquiries about our 2017 Snowy Owl project in Barrow, Alaska: how it went, nesting numbers, etc, so I decide to...