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Owl Research Institute. Wildlife conservation through research and education

The Owl Research Institute (ORI) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to owl and wildlife research, conservation, and education.

We conduct long-term research on owls, their prey species, and their relationship to the habitat in which they live. We use these data to help maintain viable populations.


Additionally, we collaborate on strategic projects; educate the public about owls; and provide research data to land management agencies and conservation partners.


We focus our time and efforts in the field, with the owls, making observations and logging data. Our commitment to long-term research is rooted in natural history and requires patience, dedication, and a vast awareness of ecosystems at large.


Our studies are conducted in natural, uncontrolled habitats. Wild owls are extremely difficult to find, not to mention capture, for research – none of our research is conducted on captive owls and we are very conscious of handling times. Study sites are always subject to change, due to owl behavior, migration, or human encroachment, and are unpredictable.


We share findings with resource managers, scientists, and the public, to improve environmental decision making. Our data assists with forest management plans, habitat conservation efforts, and the listing and de-listing of critical species.

What We Do


It's one of the core tenets of the ORI. We spend hundreds of hours each year in the field and pride ourselves on the ability to operate in a variety of landscapes, uncertain conditions, and the ever-present logistical challenges that accompany working outdoors with wild animals. We often experience exhaustion, frustration, and exasperation. Things break, cars die on the side of the mountain, essential equipment gets stolen, and weather can stall our efforts at any time. Sometimes it all seems to happen at once.


But when it's all said and done, we love what we do. For all the challenges that we face in the field, we have at least as many moments that inspire us to look further and to go farther. We are grateful for the opportunity to study these owls in their natural environments and are compelled by each and every one of these species to continue to try to understand them.


It all began with a fascination for owls. In 1988 when the Owl Research Institute became official, we didn't really imagine ourselves as a conservation group. It was just about the owls. 


Climate issues, habitat loss and declining owl populations, however, have forced us to approach research in a new light.


More and more, a substantial portion of our work focuses on understanding causes behind trends in the data. It is our hope that this information can be used to support better decisions for natural resources management.


After 30+ years of field work and research, it is less about discovering owls, more about protecting their future.

Location and Facilities

The ORI is headquartered out of a farmhouse near the small town of Charlo, Montana. Located on the Flathead Indian Reservation, we are surrounded by an ecologically diverse landscape containing unique habitat for most of Montana's 15 owl species. Important neighbors include the National Bison Range and the Ninepipe Wildlife Refuge.


The Institute houses office space, living quarters for visiting professionals, a lab and classroom, a writing hut, and many outbuildings and barns for equipment.


From the ORI, researchers have close access to field sites and program participants have opportunities for in-the-field experience and wildlife observation. While most of our studies are based in western Montana, each summer we migrate to Barrow, Alaska to conduct our Snowy Owl research.



The ORI intentionally maintains a small staff. Being small poses challenges, especially during the busy field season, but it also allows us to remain field-based and efficient. It would be remiss, however, to think that we do it alone.


Ranchers and community members keep us informed about what they see in their barns, fields, and creek beds; volunteers, interns, and seasonal employees contribute hundreds of hours every year to our projects; cam watchers send us important video highlights; and talented photographers capture the owls in the most incredible ways


They are all vital to our success. Their work and dedication are invaluable to us and we thank them all.

Our Community


Denver Holt holding a snowy owl chick

Founder and President

Denver’s research has been published in many academic journals, he is currently the team leader for Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology’s Snowy Owl species account, as well as an authority who has been acknowledged by the media, including a cover story for National Geographic Magazine in Dec. 2002 and featured in the New York Times in 2011.


His work has been the subject of many television bits on all the major networks, as well as featured on Audubon’s Up-Close series, PBS’s Bird Watch, Disney, and David Attenborough’s Life of Birds, and the film The Magic of the Snowy Owl, among others. His research on Snowy Owls has been showcased on documentaries for National Geographic Explorer, NHK Natural History Unit of Japan, and the Norwegian Broadcasting Company Natural History Unit. His Snowy Owl research has been the focus of the British Broadcasting Company’s (BBC) documentary series, Frozen Earth, a sequel to the highly acclaimed Planet Earth series. In 2011, Denver worked closely with a PBS documentary film crew featuring the breeding ecology of the Snowy Owl at his research site in Barrow, Alaska. Denver has also been the keynote speaker for many major bird festivals in the United States and gave a TEDxBozeman talk in 2023.


Research Biologist

Beth Mendelsohn earned her graduate degree from the University of Wyoming with an emphasis on Great Gray Owl genetics. While Beth has a long volunteer history with ORI, she officially joined our team in 2019. She is a lifelong naturalist and is passionate about all raptors and their conservation.  


Her research, focused primarily on North American owls, has afforded her the opportunity to travel and work throughout western Montana, Alaska, and Wyoming.  She shares her passion for field biology, natural history, and long-term research through public speaking, scientific papers, and bringing the public into the field to observe research in action.


Volunteer Biologist

Steve Hiro has been a volunteer with the Owl Research Institute for over 20 years. He assists with all field projects but has a special interest in Pygmy Owls - dedicating hundreds of hours each year to finding, observing, and documenting their behavior. 


Steve is a retired heart surgeon. He connected with the ORI when he won a Day in the Field auction item at a fundraiser. Since that time, his involvement continues to grow and his knowledge continually expands. Steve leads the Pygmy Owl study and has been instrumental in documenting several new discoveries about their behavior.


Director of Communications & Development / Office Manager

Jeanna Clifford joined ORI in September, 2023 as the Director of Communications and Office Manager. She has been working in marketing, branding, graphic design and direct mail space for 25+ years and also has experience with non-profits. Her goal is to make ORI shine even brighter in their printed, website, and email communications. She practically grew up in ORI's backyard, just a stone's throw away from our office on an organic farm (although she has worked in variety of places like Texas, California, and South Africa). So, she's not just here to work; she's here to embrace the culture of wildlife conservation and research in the stunning Mission Valley and ready to make a positive impact together!


Reach Jeanna by email: 



Field Technician

Hayley Madden grew up surrounded by the Coast Mountains around Vancouver, BC, which is where she first fell in love with exploring the outdoors.


After getting her Biology degree from the University of British Columbia, she got the chance to work on a study researching the Swainson’s Thrush, where she discovered a passion for field research. Her childhood love of owls eventually led her to work with Northern Spotted Owls. She is excited to learn all about the owl species of Montana and develop her skills in wildlife research with ORI.


In her spare time, Hayley enjoys hiking and camping, reading, and exploring local coffee shops.


Field Technician

Having grown up in Idaho, Lauren discovered her interest in the natural world through her proximity to endless miles of beautiful foothills and rivers.

Lauren graduated from the University of Portland with a degree in Environmental Science and Biology, and since then has worked with breeding and migratory songbirds in Oregon, Colorado, Idaho and Wyoming. Her most recent position as a part time owl bander at the Intermountain Bird Observatory affirmed her passion for owls and she is looking forward to learning more about what the state and birds of Montana have to offer.

In her free time, Lauren enjoys fly fishing, silversmithing, climbing, knitting, and birding.



We are so grateful to the photographers who capture owls, and our work, in the most amazing ways. They generously share their work with us, and you. Check out the works of some of the photographers whose work is featured on our site! They are incredible talented artists who are committed to wildlife conservation.


Thank you to:


Kurt Lindsay:

Daniel J Cox:

Radd Icenoggle:

Melissa Groo:

Ly Dang:

Tom Murphy:

Deborah Hanson

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The ORI is a non-profit, 501(c) 3, tax-exempt organization. We are funded by individual and non-profit  group donations, grants from foundations and corporations, and occasionally agency contracts. We accept donations of real property, vehicles, and stock donations. Please consider us in your estate planning. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent of the law. Our federal tax identification number is 81-0453479.




Charlo, MT 59824


(406) 644-3412

Copyright © 2021-2024 Owl Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.

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