Have you seen a Snowy Owl?
December 5th marked this season's second Snowy Owl sighting in the Mission Valley, that the ORI is aware of. We received a report from a...

Long-Eared Owl Count Appears Strong This Fall
10/23/217 - It was a beautiful day in the field on the Long-eared Owl Project. We were joined by dedicated volunteer, Steve Hiro, and...

The 2017 Montana Migration Project Winds Down
The 2017 Montana Migration Project is winding down for the season, as the Northern Saw-Whet Owls finalize their migration out of Montana...

A Rehabilitated Young Barn Owl Finds a Home at the Owl Research Institute
The Owl Research Institute has a new resident, and we hope he will stick around! Meet Wesley - a beautiful young Barn Owl who was rescued...