Snowy Owl Non-Breeding Season
Have you ever wondered what Snowy Owl biologists do up on the tundra during a non-breeding season? The Owl Research Institute's 2023...

Snowy Owl successfully released back to the Arctic!
Young Snowy Owl finally home From the Arctic to Montana and back again: the long journey of Snowy, the young female Snowy Owl who was...

2023 Snowy Owl Breeding Season Updates
June VIDEO: First update from the Arctic! June 9, 2023 VIDEO: Snowy Owl successfully released back to the Arctic (June 2023) July VIDEO:...

All things Snowy Owl- Denver interviewed on local Cape Cod NPR station
August 16, 2022 Ahead of his two presentations at the Polly Hill Arboretum and the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole later this...

Timeline of the 2022 Snowy Owl Breeding Season
Notes and observations from ORI's Snowy Owl field crew: Denver, Chloe, Solai, and ORI volunteers This Snowy Owl nest is located near...

VIDEO- Snowy Owl Project- Nest Check Process
In this video, Chloe and Solai show how they conduct a Snowy Owl nest check. Video produced July 2022. For more information about ORI’s...

Snowy Owl nesting cam now live!
Special thanks to explore.org! It is not easy to set up a live camera streaming 24/7 from the Arctic tundra, but the amazing folks at...

ORI’s Snowy Owl Research Project: 30 years and counting
The Owl Research Institute (ORI) launched the Snowy Owl Breeding Ecology and Lemming Population Study in 1992. Every year since then ORI...

ORI & Snowy Owls featured in Smithsonian Magazine!
IT'S HERE! IT'S OUT! IT'S SO EXCITING FOR US! Click on the photo to read the article which appeared in the October issue. The October...

New Project: Tracking young Snowy Owls in the Arctic
Equipping an owl with a satellite transmitter is a decision we take seriously. While we were the first scientists in the world to track...