Snowy Owl successfully released back to the Arctic!
Young Snowy Owl finally home From the Arctic to Montana and back again: the long journey of Snowy, the young female Snowy Owl who was...
2023 Snowy Owl Breeding Season Updates
June VIDEO: First update from the Arctic! June 9, 2023 VIDEO: Snowy Owl successfully released back to the Arctic (June 2023) July VIDEO:...
Snowy Owl Chick Photo ID Guide now available as PDF
Our Photographic Guide to Aging and Sexing Snowy Owls from Hatching to Fledging is now available to download as a PDF! Visit the web...
Article Round-Up: Snowy Owl in California
A collection of some of the articles about the Snowy Owl that was seen in southern California in late winter 2022/early 2023. Denver...
Denver's Cypress, CA Snowy Owl presentation now available to watch online
February 6, 2023 On January 19, 2023, Denver gave a talk about Snowy Owl breeding ecology in Cypress, California. Huge thanks to Sea &...
A Photographic Guide to Aging and Sexing Snowy Owl Chicks
February 2023 NEW RESOURCE! ORI's Denver Holt, along with Solai Le Fay and Chloe Hernandez, have put together a new photographic...
Update on Snowy Owl Chick 6: "Snowy's doing great!"
January 12, 2023 Back in November 2022, we shared the story of Snowy Owl Chick 6 (affectionately called "Snowy"), as she was rescued in...