Snowy Owl Chick Photo ID Guide now available as PDF
Our Photographic Guide to Aging and Sexing Snowy Owls from Hatching to Fledging is now available to download as a PDF! Visit the web...

Great Horned Owls in Charlo- the breeding season begins!
Exciting news- we finally found the nest location of our resident Great Horned Owl pair! Photos taken March 10, 2023 by ORI field tech...

Searching for Long-eared Owls with Denver & Beth, and local writer Shane Sater
Recently, local biologist and writer Shane Sater joined Denver, Beth, and ORI volunteers for a day in the field looking for Long-eared...

Article Round-Up: Snowy Owl in California
A collection of some of the articles about the Snowy Owl that was seen in southern California in late winter 2022/early 2023. Denver...

Denver's Cypress, CA Snowy Owl presentation now available to watch online
February 6, 2023 On January 19, 2023, Denver gave a talk about Snowy Owl breeding ecology in Cypress, California. Huge thanks to Sea &...

A Photographic Guide to Aging and Sexing Snowy Owl Chicks
February 2023 NEW RESOURCE! ORI's Denver Holt, along with Solai Le Fay and Chloe Hernandez, have put together a new photographic...

Great Horned Owls! A guest post by ORI intern Jase Frost
Great Horned Owls! An owl species that can be found all over North America, and they are interesting! Great Horneds in the Mission Valley...

Update on Snowy Owl Chick 6: "Snowy's doing great!"
January 12, 2023 Back in November 2022, we shared the story of Snowy Owl Chick 6 (affectionately called "Snowy"), as she was rescued in...

Sea, Sand... and a Snowy Owl? Denver to present talk on Snowy Owls in California
The recent sighting of a Snowy Owl in Cypress, California, has generated excitement and curiosity about this amazing raptor. Sea and Sage...

Denver's Sagajawea Audubon Society presentation now available to watch online
Denver on stage at the Ellen Theater in Bozeman, MT. Photos by Daniel J. Cox, Natural Explosures. Facebook: @naturalexposuresInstagram...