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New On Board

Hello Friends of the Owl Research Institute!

My name is Liberty DeGrandpre and I'm the newest member of the ORI team! As a long time friend, neighbor and supporter of the ORI, Denver and I recently discovered that my skills, and the ORI's needs, could be a great match. I'm officially on the job and couldn't be happier. What an honor it is to work with an organization as reputable and important as the Owl Research Institute.

I hope to use this blog as way to keep you updated on our many research projects and other noteworthy events. The ORI is a busy research and field station, with plenty of administrative tasks to boot, but I'll do my best to post regularly. In addition, you can follow us on Facebook, with Instagram and Twitter right around the corner.

For the past five years I've worked with the Job Corps program - a vocational training program that trains disadvantaged youth in careers. I also have experience with design and marketing. While my learning curve at the ORI is a steep one, I'm thrilled to be here. The Owl Research Institute is truly a top notch research institute.

I look forward to interacting with this community of owl lovers and learning all that I can. If you need to contact me, email is the best way:



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